60 Vasileos Pavlou,
2360 Agios Dometios,
Nicosia Cyprus.
Wanna thank you once again. Medications that I purchased at your website really helped my family members. And I don't have any doubts that i'll be using your services for my future orders.
I never used any online pharmacy services before. But a friend of mine was convincing me to use your website for placing an order. I finally did that SO i'm really grateful to him for that advice. Starting from my first purchase I'm your permanent customer now.
I really like the interface and navigation at your website because its really simple, effective and usefull at the same time. And you are offering really great opportunity of automatic refills I really like that.
This was my first experince of ordering with your pharmacy and the best experince i have ever had. Because I received all my stuff on time and it worked very fine.